This page lists all the collections in Trine 5. These collections are letters, tidbits, and fashion.
From levels 4-19, there is a letter to find in every level. The contents of the letters are presented below, including who it is read by, and what the characters say after it is discovered.
Level 4
Read by Narrator
Dear mum and dad, our class is going on a field trip!
We are going on a magical journey up in the clouds with a Miss Silvervale and Mister Giredoc!
We travel to the airfield on the back of their amazing blue metal coach that operates by steam! It’s not drawn by horses!
I will write more soon. Yours etc, Cornelius.
Amadeus: Hmh. I never got to go on field trips as a student.
Zoya: No, you only got abducted by a magical candlestand, which gave you magic powers.
Level 5
Read by Narrator
Dear Professor Butternut, I just learned that you were not informed of our absence in the coming week.
As class representative, please allow me to apologize for the miscommunication.
We’ll do our utmost to write great essays on what we learn about electricity and levitation on this trip.
In good faith, Carabel the Glacial.
Pontius: Carabel - oh I remember her! She was the dragon slayer!
Zoya: Or at least in her dreams she was.
Level 6
Read by Narrator
Hello Guild Members!
We seem to be under attack by a new rival gang, the rats!
They are all muscle and no finesse and come out in packs, so my fellow entrepreneurs you’d better watch your step in these dark times.
The rats are swarming out of the sewers. We’ve sent our friend down to investigate.
L. C.
Amadeus: L.C. I remember seeing those initials before.
Zoya: Mhmhm. It stands for Lovely Cutpurse.
Pontius: Does it? Does it really?
Level 7
Read by Lady Sunny
Dear Members of the Great Council.
All meetings are postponed until our dear colleagues have recovered from the streak of mysterious food poisoning. Who could have foreseen so many of us eating spoiled cabbage pie.
Rest assured, I will take care of the mundane day-to-day business of the council until you are all better.
Chancellor Lady Sunshine Crowndale
Amadeus: Spoiled food?
Zoya: Doesn’t sound fishy at all.
Pontius: But it was cabbage, not fish pie.
Level 8
Read by Narrator
Dear Amadeus the Wizard!
We’ve been so happy to have you as a visitor.
We also understand you are currently busy saving the Kingdom.
Afterwards, why not return to the spa at the Well of Tranquility with your friends for a night of celebration! Our guests would be thrilled to see the Heroes of Trine fresh from another quest.
Waiting for your timely response, Management
Amadeus: Oh, I do miss their buffet and tropical fruit drinks.
Level 9
Read by Julius
Please Deliver To Margaret of Margaret’s Arcane Merchandise
Dear mum, we’ve been kidnapped.
Please don’t send Dad. You can rescue us instead, I believe in you and your fireballs.
Amadeus: Oh Julius. He’s so attached to his mother. Maybe Margaret would be better at saving the triplets if we never get out of here.
Level 10
Read by Narrator
You don’t pay me enough. You’re lucky there’s an element of fun to all this.
The rats are helped out by someone with power and influence back in town.
You’ll find more rats of a different nature up in the castle.
– R
Pontius: Hmm. Strange letters in the smugglers tunnels.
Zoya: Ahh, that’s probably just some completely unrelated old correspondence that has nothing to do with anything.
Level 11
Read by Lady Sunny and Lord Goderic
Captain Razzle,
The way is free and open. Just make enough noise to cause unrest.
Steal anything you like, as long as it’s not inside the castle.
Our metallic friends will let you escape, but you have to give a good show of getting yourselves beaten up first.
Lady SAnd Lord G
Zoya: These two really take the cake, don’t they.
Pontius: Yes they do… two real cake thieves.
Level 12
Read by Barbara
To Master Wizardess Wilhelmina of the Astral Academy
Dear esteemed colleague,
We’ve run short of supplies at the Observatory, and no one is replying to our letters.
Also a bit curious is the fact that I conjured an image of our dear alma mater.
In my vision I saw nothing but a pile of sand cleaned very enthusiastically by enchanted broom.
Is everything quite all right?
Amadeus: Ooh, Barbara sent this.
Zoya: One of our observing wizardesses.
Pontius: Uncaught by the villains!
Level 13
Read by Narrator
Air travel is boring. The scenery is the same all day, and the quarters are too tight.
No idea if we’ll be there soon or not. I didn’t even wish to go on this field trip.
Owl wanted to weld itself into the engines to see if it could take over the ship with its consciousness.
Nim and Carabel stopped it just in time.
I wonder if gravity makes paper planes fly faster.
Pontius: Paper planes - haven’t seen those in a while!
Level 14
Read by Agnes
Please deliver To Margaret of Margaret’s Arcane Merchandise.
Dear mummy, we’ve been kidnapped by some people whose houses we haven’t even accidentally torched with fireballs. One of them is a rich lady, and the other is a man who owns a ship that flies in the air. We’re imprisoned on that ship.
Julia says you shouldn’t tell father so we can be spared the disappointment of him forgetting us again.
Me and Lucius think it’s better if the Heroes of Trine came after us.
With love from Agnes
Amadeus: Agnes? Agnes wrote that! I’m coming Agnes!
Level 15
Read by Lucius
Please Deliver To Amadeus at the Well of Tranquility
Dad, please come rescue us. We have been kidnapped.
Don’t let mum destroy this flying airship with fireballs or we will all die in a terrible accident.
Amadeus: Lucius is very smart, did you know? He often takes explosions into consideration.
Level 16
Read by Narrator
Hello little brother.
There’s a spot of trouble in the kingdom, although I guess you’ve caught wind of it already.
Wouldn’t have taken you for one to blow up a castle, or to get locked up in dungeons.
Whatever is going on there, good luck with it. Me, I’ve a tide to catch.
Pontius: A letter from my sister. That’s nice. She usually never writes.
Level 17
Read by Lord Goderic
Dear Mother and Father.
I know you have some concerns about my investing all our family’s fortune.
“Heaps of debt that will plunge our name into infamy and oblivion” have been mentioned several times in your letters. But the factory and my inventions are the way of the future!
Everything in the New Kingdom will be engineered and built in the name of your genius son.
We will be the richest, most powerful family for all time to come. Have faith.
Your son, Goderic.
Amadeus: It’s strange when villains have family. I feel like not wanting to fight them, thinking I might upset their nana.
Zoya: Well, Rosabel had family. Isabel.
Pontius: Does Selius’s shadow count as family, if it’s himself?
Level 18
Read by Nenet
To Zoya, the “hero” of Trine
Wherever the three of you are, I hope this letter finds you all in good health and ready to take down Lady Sunny and Lord Goderic.
When you get back home, and I do mean when, not if, I’ve something for you. Come find me.
Nenet from the Library
Zoya: Hah, maybe it’s another arrow.
Level 19
Read by Narrator
Whoever finds this, deliver the letter to the Astral Academy!
Half of our class has vanished this morning without notice.
Our host says there’s nothing to worry about, that they went sightseeing, but they haven’t come back.
I’d leave this place immediately, but there’s nowhere to go but down.
I have a terrible premonition that something dreadful is about to happen.
Gislan of Alcyon
Zoya: Poor Gislan. She was alone in the end against them.
Pontius: Those monsters.
From levels 4-19, there is a tidbit to find in every level. Collecting all the tidbits related to a specific location will unlock that location on the menu. What the Narrator says for each tidbit is presented below, including a description of the item, and what the characters say after it is discovered.
Red Rose Inn
Located on the left side of the menu.
Tidbits found from: 4, 7, 10, 14, 16
Level 4
The Red Rose Inn Harvest Menu: Freshly baked white loaf and whipped butter. Pottage stew. Cabbage chowder. Rose Pudding & Sugared Almonds. No refunds if dog hair found in food.
• Pontius: The harvest menu from the Red Rose Inn! Yum!
Level 7
Page with a game of hangman
Hangman Grand Tournament. Category: Famous places in the Kingdom. Letters used: M, P, T.
• Pontius: Hmmh. That’s a tough nut to crack!
Level 10
Open book, possibly with a picture of the Inn
The Red Rose Inn was built over 200 years ago, a resting place between the Astral Academy and the Royal town, offering food, drink, and lodging for travelers as well stabling for horses.
•Zoya: I hope the horses are alright.
Level 14
A tri-fold pamphlet with a unicorn on it
Red Rose Inn Grand Re-opening this weekend! Repaired and restocked, we welcome travelers and local customers back to our fine establishment after the place was obliterated by the Villains of Trine.
Run by the pooch, the button nose
That’s our sweet Red Rose!
• Amadeus: Oh, the Red Rose Inn is back in business. Maybe we should pay a visit?
Level 16
Sheet music
Won’t you sit with me
Raise a toast with me
And tell me where you’ve been?
Grab a bite with me
Share your day with me
We’ve missed you at the Red Rose Inn!
• Zoya: The Red Rose Inn Drinking Song! Haven’t heard that one in a long time.
Necromancer’s Potato Cellar
Located on the right side of the menu.
Tidbits found from: 5, 8, 11, 13, 17, 19
Level 5
Dear mother. It’s not much, but we finally have an office! The innkeeper rented us his potato cellar. There’s an odd smell lingering about, but at least it’s dark and atmospheric as a proper summoner’s lair should be! - Robus
• Amadeus: More dark summoners? Let’s keep our distance from all cellars. Just in case.
Level 8
New Order: Chalk, 2 Ritual candles, Cauldron (small), Sunglasses Cleaning Cloths. I want this order to be delivered to my home. Your shop assistant keeps dropping off my packages at the Red Rose Inn while I actually reside in the building next to it. - Mr Gloom
• Pontius: A lot of curious items. Maybe this Mr Gloom is into arts and crafts?
Level 11
Letter with illustration of a turtle laying on its back
Dear Mr Gloom. About bringing Mr. Onions back. You asked for a lock of his hair for the ritual - that has proven problematic, he is a turtle. Would a lint ball that looks like him be sufficient?
• Amadeus: Oh no. Sounds like somebody’s about to cast dangerous summoning spells.
Level 13
Scroll with a drawing of a zombie hand
Our services include: Summoning and banishing rituals, skeleton minion training, golem building, carrying heavy objects. Ask for Rex Gloom and associates!
• Zoya: Sounds like a completely honest little enterprise.
Level 17
Unfurled parchment with a black quill
The black-clad people residing in the Red Rose Inn’s potato cellar - does anyone else find them SUSPICIOUS? I mean, all wizards are suspicious, but these ones look like they are up to no good. And the big one has an unnerving smile. I wouldn’t let my children play near that place! - Concerned Citizen
• Pontius: Maybe we should go to see this potato cellar, just to make sure everything is in order.
Level 19
Page illustrated w/ a person and a question mark
Apprentice wanted! Are you interested in a career in the dynamic, up and coming field of Dark Arts? We are looking for someone who can adjust to flexible and nocturnal hours. You’ll gain a front row seat for the latest developments on black magic. This internship is unpaid.
• Amadeus: Well that sounds like a promising opportunity. Apart from the black magic.
The Attic
Located on the upper floor inside the Red Rose Inn.
Tidbits found from: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Level 6
Teal book with embossing
“… can be used to examine the soul’s essence and understand how it works. This kind of magic is focused on manipulating the living and their life-force, but only by creating new forms of life and granting life to the dead.”
• Amadeus: Wizards are very keen on magical tamperings.
Level 9
Inscribed stone
“Never harm a lonely bird. It might be carrying a soul.”
• Amadeus: It’s an old proverb.
Level 12
Open book with a ghost illustration
The first innkeeper of the Red Rose Inn, Uncle Tuvak, was an avid reader. His ghost visits the Red Rose to read all the books he didn’t have time to read whilst still alive. Whenever a new volume is added to the old attic bookshelf, his footsteps can be heard the following night. Some guests claim to have seen him reading by the fire.
• Zoya: I wonder if old Uncle Tuvak has any valuable books up in the attic.
Level 15
A haunted doll
Visited the Red Rose for the fiftieth time to check on the nonexistent ghost supposedly in their attic, which seems to conveniently elude wizards all the time. At least they offered me a wonderful dinner for my trouble, which is unfortunate, as I won’t have room for cake tomorrow at the garden party for the Heroes of Trine. - Wilhelmina
• Zoya: Poor master wizardess.
Level 18
A card or plaque with doodles of the heroes
One, two - an old tale anew
Three, four - trolls, towers and more
Five, six - bag of tricks
Eight, nine - and the heroes of Trine
• Pontius: We’re in a nursery rhyme!
From levels 4-19, there is a fashion item to find in every level. Collecting a fashion item will unlock that item to be worn by the player(s) in the game. They can be equipped in the lobby or the inventory menu. Each fashion item is listed below, including what level it can be found in and what the characters say after it is discovered.
Adventurer’s Rucksack
- unlocked from the start
Alchemist’s Pack
- unlocked from the start
Master’s Pouch
- found from: level 6
- Zoya: We better take this and… return it to its owner.
Smuggler’s Gear
- found from: level 10
- Zoya: This one’s for me.
Miner’s Kit
- found from: level 11
- Pontius: Interesting light on this one. Warms me up.
Piggyback Spellbook
- found from: level 13
- Amadeus: Oh, what a fancy bag.
Lucius’s Satchel
- found from: level 15
- Amadeus: Lucius’s satchel! It’s so heavy with books, maybe Pontius could use it as a weapon.
Agnes’s Knapsack
- found from: level 17
- Amadeus: Agnes’s bag! It’s full of peanuts and fruit rolls.
Muffin Hat
- unlocked from the start
Wilhelmina’s Hat
- found from: level 4
- Amadeus: Wilhelmina’s lost her hat.
Straw Hat
- found from: level 5
- Pontius: A nice straw hat.
Meadow Tiara
- found from: level 7
- Zoya: The most beautiful crowns are the most fleeting ones.
Paper Hat
- found from: level 8
- Pontius: Ooh, let’s see if there are crosswords in here!
Sidonius’s Tricorne
- found from: level 9
- Zoya: This hat doesn’t really scream necromancy at me.
Velvety Antlers
- found from: level 12
- Zoya: Can’t leave fancy crowns lying around.
Autumn Crown
- found from: level 14
- Zoya: Mm, what a pretty crown.
Cornet of Valor
- found from: level 16
- Pontius: A knightly headpiece!
Lampaca Wool Hat
- found from: level 18
- Pontius: Doesn’t this look snug and warm.
Clockwork Top Hat
- found from: level 19
- Amadeus: A dapper blend of form and function!