The Three Heroes—Pontius is the first chapter in the main storyline of Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, and serves as the tutorial for Pontius the Knight.
- Narrator: With trouble in the kingdom, who could save the day? Why, of course the three heroes of our story! Amadeus, Pontius, and Zoya. Once upon a time, they had all lived ordinary, unremarkable lives. Fates of kingdoms hadn’t hung in balance because of their actions. Not until a faithful meeting had changed their lives forever. When they had discovered Trine, the Artifact of Soul.
- Narrator: At that time, Pontius, a stout-hearted knight and protector of the common folk, was busy at work. He was tracking thieves who had abducted a sheep from a poor peasant family.
- Pontius: The no-good bandit is hiding somewhere in these ravines! I’ll catch him and save that sheep, or my name isn’t Pontius the Brave!