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Trine Wiki

The Three Heroes—Amadeus is the third chapter in the main storyline of Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, and serves as the tutorial for Amadeus the Wizard.

  • Narrator: The last of our three heroes was Amadeus. As a young man, he’d dreamed of becoming a powerful sorcerer in order to impress people, but he never really got the knack for the grand fireballs he dreamt of. Amadeus was only ever good for conjuring boxes. Thankfully, it had turned out to be a skill more useful than he’d ever expected.
  • Narrator: Amadeus the wizard was enjoying a well-deserved holiday, watching migrating giant turtles with his wife, Margaret, and their three children. The wizard’s wife was a fire brand of a woman, and all their three children were very talented when it came to conjuring fireballs. In fact, it was a small blessing that one afternoon they had left poor Amadeus to have a nap in peace. But he slept too long. When he woke up, he was already too late to see the great turtles.
  • Amadeus: I’m late! Oh I’m so late!