The Cursed Manor is the second level in Trine 4. This is Pontius's tutorial level. No other heroes are available.
We are introduced to Pontius and learn what he has been up to since the last game. Pontius has been called to clear out a haunted manor, which he has cleverly chosen to visit during the day. During the level, Pontius makes his way toward the manor and into its heart to face off against its now undead owner.
- Narrator: The derelict manor had once belonged to a recently departed knight. After his funeral, the knight had returned from the grave - undead and bitterly wrathful, and troubling to his neighbors. But Pontius had come to take care of the matter: armed with a sword, a shield, and the hope that there would be pie after his task was over.
Tutorials: How to use the sword, how to ride spheres, how to stomp, how to apply stomp to see-saws, how to use the shield, and how to battle
After defeating the undead knight, a falcon with a message lands on Pontius's shoulder. Pontius takes the message and the flash back from the previous level continues.