There are three Artifacts that play an important role in the storyline.
Long ago, three powerful Artifacts were created, that had been used to balance all good and evil in the world. When everything in the world was in harmony, these immortal objects had been given to three Guardians, who had kept the Artifacts safe for centuries. The Guardians enchanted the Artifacts with powerful protective charms, that only allowed those with pure intents to come near. Eventually the Guardians passed away and only the Artifacts and their charms remained.
Sarek managed to steal the Artifact of body and matter and pair it with the Artifact of mind and power. Without the Artifact of soul and righteousness, the power of the Artifacts became twisted and brought to life creatures of bones and dust, capable of moving, but lacking soul and meaning. The first Artifact - The Trine, was the only thing that could bring back balance to the world.
The Artifacts:[]
- The first Artifact (The Trine) pertaining to soul and righteousness was kept in the shrine, located deep within the Astral Academy. The Trine has the power to bind souls together and binds the souls of the three heroes, the Knight, the Thief and the Wizard when they meet in the shrine at the Astral Academy. The Trine gives the three heroes the power to resurrect, if they should die.
- The second Artifact pertaining to mind and power was kept in the Great Castle in the middle of the Forest. It had protected the castle and given strength to the king and his men. Over the decades many kings and knights had tried to approach the Artifact to no avail. The legend foretold that one day, a hero of pure mind and justified intent would come and claim the Artifact.
- The third Artifact pertaining to body and matter was kept at the highest location on the Pedestal in the ancient Ruins of the Perished, the now abandoned home of the Guardians. Not too long ago an earthquake had rocked the pedestal, destroying the shrine that surrounded the Artifact of body and matter. The charms that had protected the third Artifact broke and it was stolen.