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The Academy Outskirts is the fourth chapter in the main storyline of Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power.

  • Narrator: It was not unusual that our three heroes would be whisked away at a moments notice, for with great power came also great responsibility. The Artifact of Soul had arcane powers of resurrection, making our three heroes immortal, and capable of great deeds and adventures. Sometimes, whether the heroes wanted these adventures or not…
  • Zoya: It’s a bit tiresome to put all your life on hold because of a magical candle stand with a flair for abducting bystanders for adventures.
  • Pontius: I was in the middle of a daring rescue myself.
  • Amadeus: We seem to be at the outskirts of the Astral Academy.
  • Zoya: This is no good place for an adventure, I’ve already pinched everything.